Friday, May 31, 2013

In which I am cranky...

I'm melting.

Our dinky little propane-powered refrigerator can't keep up with cooling against the heat, so it's melting too. Or, about $100 worth of groceries inside it are.

We don't have power here, so functioning on a sort-of-normal level involves a carefully choreographed dance of running the generator and charging three batteries- two that power the RV, and one that I run a converter off of to power my laptop, wireless router, etc.  We run the generator for about an hour a day, during which we do all the big battery-burning things like take a shower, wash dishes, etc.  Only, because of how hot it suddenly became (we're in New Hampshire, for crying out loud), we have to run the generator a lot more.  Which...subsequently heats up the surrounding area, and so on and so forth.  We actually have the air conditioner running right now, because my computer was overheating and I couldn't work.  And, I have to run errands later, and didn't want to leave Echo in an oven.  It's quite nice in here right now.  I'm willing to go broke paying for diesel for the generator if it means having a little bit of creature comfort...

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