Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mother nature needs some medication...

So... where to begin.  Well, we're here!  Sort of.  If "living" here can be defined as living in an RV and peeing in the woods.  At least we have semi-potable water now; for the first week we had nothing but anti-freeze water.  I refused to bathe in it because it stank, so I got a gym membership to use their shower.  It's the most I've ever used a gym membership.  Jereme bathed in it...and then got sick.  I told him so.  Our neighbors have a solar-powered pump, so we've been using that to fill 55-gallon drums from the stream, sanitize with bleach, and then fill the fresh water tank in the RV.  It's probably safe to drink, but it's fine for bathing (except for the fact that bathing in chlorine water will give you lizard skin and straw hair.  I'm super sexy with all my flakiness... the lethal combo of peeling sunburn and what's essentially pool water).  It also gives the RV the vaguely nostalgic smell of a hotel pool, which brings back childhood memories of traveling to art shows with my dad for some reason, so it's cool.

Jereme rented an excavator (I think he misses having his own), and frantically dug out the driveway, footings for the foundation, and septic.  He did it just in time, too, because after a week of nice, balmy, mid-60's sunshine, it rained.  A lot.  More on that later.  Anyways, he dug and dug and dug a big 70x38 hole in the ground.  And then we realized that, because we're doing a slab, we have to actually put dirt IN.  Oops.  So then he filled and filled and filled.

And then the rain came.  Let me tell you, it has never, ever, ever rained like that anywhere I've ever been.  Six. Straight. Days.  Torrential downpours.  So not only was it really cold, and really wet... our dirt "yard"/"driveway" turned into something out of a mud wrestling championship.  On the first day, it was squishy and messy and we had a hard time driving up and down the hill.  We thought, "this sucks, hopefully it will stop soon."  Hah.  By last Friday, Jereme's 5-ton truck sank in past the tires in the mud.  You couldn't walk anywhere without sinking, slipping, sliding, or falling.  Forget about getting the truck up the hill.  The dog had gone from being happier than a pig in shit to looking all wilted and sad and hiding in the corner of the RV.  That could have been because Jereme would carry him out to the woods to do his business, and then carry him back in.  I'm not sure he's forgiven us for that.  Life was starting to feel a lot like something out of the Shining.  I'll never watch that movie without thinking, "I get it, man.... I get it."  I actually think I was starting to have a psychotic break.  Jereme found me crouched on the ground by the RV crying a little.   I was having dreams about the RV washing away and mud coming out my ears.

Anyways, that's all over and done with now.  Yep.  It's 90 degrees out and sunny now.  Not that I'm complaining.  Although if the dog keels over, then I might complain... and he looks like he's going to at any second.  Hopefully now my plants can get to growing, and we can get to driving all the way up the hill without praying.  Pictures of the mud put will follow, I'm sure.

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